Thursday, March 30, 2017

“Why Should I Use MyHeritage?” Here’s Why . . . and Why Not

I saw the link to this article in my Twitter feed, and was curious, because I have assiduously avoided MyHeritage ever since they nicked my data without telling me they were doing so, and then wanted to charge me for accessing it.
“Why Should I Use MyHeritage?” Here’s Why . . .GeneaBloggers
and here's why not... — another scam site? | Hayes & Greene family history
You pays your money and you takes your pick.

But the emphasis is on you pays your money.

Monday, March 06, 2017

10 Ways to Search Google for Information that 96% of people don’t Know about

I've read lots of articles on how to use search engines more effectively, but few of them have been as useful as this one.

10 Ways to Search Google for Information That 96% of People Don’t Know About:

1. Either this or that

Sometimes we’re not sure that we’ve correctly remembered the information or the name we need to start our search. But this doesn’t have to be a problem! Simply put in a few potential variations of what you’re looking for, and separate them by typing the “|“ symbol. Instead of this symbol you can also use ”or." Then it’s easy enough to choose the result that makes the most sense.